Friday, November 25, 2011

Saint Heaven

Saint Haven
 Saint Haven is a new town that was recently added to the Dragon Nest when Nexon updated the game.  Saint Haven is a fortress; it has high walls to keep out intruders, monsters, enemies and a castle right in the middle.  The king and the royalties live in the castle.  The only way to get to Saint Haven is by traveling in an air ship. You have to board the air ship in Caderock Pass and ride it all the way to Saint Haven (image shown below).

Along with Saint Haven came the increase of level cap; players were stuck at level 24 but now they can go all the way up to level 32. Players were also given new quests, story lines, items and dungeons that are related to Saint Haven. One of the popular dungeons that is in Saint Haven is Cerberus Nest. In Cerberus Nest, players have to fight multiple bosses before they could get to the main boss. The main boss is a three headed Hellhound. Players have to slay the Hellhound in order to finish the dungeons and receive epic rewards and new items (image shown below).

Unlike the other towns, Saint Haven is a huge town with lots of Non- player characters (NPC). Non-player characters are computer generated and designed so that the players can interact with the game. The players can receive quests, rewards, and friendships from the NPCs throughout the game. One of the NPC that is well known and famous amount players is "Irine"; she is located in every town unlike other NPCs (images show below).

Saint Haven Map

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